Student Solution


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Discussion board 3 - John Rawls

Discussion board 3 - John Rawls

Q First, please read the excerpt from John Rawls’ A Theory of Justice. This reading can be found in the Supplemental Handouts folder. Then, think about John Rawls' concept of the "Veil of Ignorance." What is the Veil of Ignorance? What is its purpose? Upon what theory is it based? What is the Original Position? Why should we make important decisions from behind the Veil? Does the Veil really protect us from making unjust or discriminatory choices? Does the Veil completely eliminate the possibility of discrimination from our decision-making process? Will there always be a minority that wants to behave in a discriminatory manner? If so, what can we do about those people? What Principles of Justice does Rawls argue that society will generate, if the Veil is utilized correctly? Are these the only possible principles? Would you include any other Principles of Justice? Why? How might we utilize the Veil to make ethical business decisions? Where does the power of the Veil lie? What are some weaknesses to the concept of the Veil of Ignorance? Discuss.

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According to John Rawls’ concept of the “Veil of ignorance” is a kind of method that helps in determining the morality level of any political issue. In the political context, when people makes political decisions, they think that they completely aware of the talent, abilities and most significantly of positions and social classes to which they belong to. Veil of ignorance prevents such people from having the chance to know who are going to have the distribution of positions, resources and most significantly the distribution of the powers within a particular society.